So, on Friday we're going to find out what gender the baby is. I've never had any inclination to keep this a surprise (I'm not much for surprises in general), so we're pretty excited to get that info. We'll hopefully be able to start thinking about names, too. We've got nothing so far. I've been feeling it move almost every day for 4 days or so. It feels like someone is tickling me from the inside in brief, almost firm, motions. Probably doesn't make any sense...most woman say "fluttering" or I've heard that it feels like "a bag full of minnows." I think I missed that initial gentle movement- not uncommon for first timers, and am now on to a little stronger stuff.
The baby- yes, its a baby. It moves now and I'm going to find out the gender, I'm finally accepting that I'm going to have a baby here in a few months. The baby is probably about 6 1/2 inches long from crown to rump, but starting this week is measured by its full length from head to foot - about 10 inches. It weighs about 10-11 oz. I have gained about 6lbs, totally on track at this pace to keep under 25lbs, but from what I hear the worst is ahead of me. I believe my placenta may be on the left side of my belly. It seems to be firmer and sticks out a tiny bit more and all of the motion I've felt is on the right- the placenta can block the sensation of movement. Who knows.
I'll update everyong when we know what we're having and we've been assured that all of the parts are there. I know a high school friend just found a heart defect at her FAS, so we're a little nervous. The ultrasound at 16 weeks showed what the tech though was a healthy 4 chambered heart, but it was really too early to see.
Friday will also decide how much more Jon and I have to talk about circumcision. I've basically told Jon from when I met him (When I was writing a human rights paper on routine male circumcision in college) that I couldn't justify circumcising my child, but the issue is much more personal and complicated for him. Feel free to send me feedback on this issue...I don't think my position will change, but I'll listen.
Until Friday, here's a picture of a 20 week girl. Which I'm starting to hope we have (see above).