He's getting so big, probably around 17 pounds, and so strong. He's rolling and scooting in his crib. He laughs a lot. He's sleeping like a champ at night, still just getting up to eat every 3-6 hours. He's just a generally good natured kid.
Kai, Jon and I went to see the MNRG Allstars slaughter the Hammer City Rollergirls a couple of weeks ago. Kai wore his skull t-shirt and was mighty stylin. We met Greg and Daisy's (MNRG volunteers) baby girl Harmony who was only 5 weeks at the bout. Kai was totally mellow all night- until he fell asleep just shy of the end of the bout. He seemed enamoured by the lights and sounds...and his dad's cheering! I think we'll probably only bring him occasionally. Don't get me wrong, there was still a little bit of PBR involved, but it's definitely a different experience with a baby and a diaper bag.
We also brought a bunch of people up to Sugarloaf with us this last weekend. It was great to be able to integrate our family and friends...especially when it involved, "Here, why don't you take the baby for a while?" Everyone was really helpful with Kai. Jon and I assigned ourselves each a night to take him to bed early so the other could stay up late. We ate too much and drank some good bourbon. We didn't get to Taboo, but there was some thorough enjoyment of Gordon Lightfoot and the XM 90's channel to make up for any lost laughs.
Tonight we have a sitter for the first time in like two months (Thanks, Jolene). We're having drinks at the Turf, grabbing a bite to eat and going to see the Coen Brothers' most recent release, A Serious Man. I CAN'T WAIT. Love the kid, just miss the time alone with my husband!
Photo credit: Sam Stoltz