We had Louisa Podlich of Louisa Marion Photography (she's on Facebook) take some shots of Kai several weeks ago. We ended up with a lot of really great shots! I used to babysit Louisa back in the day, so it was nice to reconnect. You can see the rest of the shots by following this link: http://louisapodlich.smugmug.com/Portraits/Kai-Noah/11148364_33Jro#781310112_UUKfb
We've settled into a pretty solid routine. Kai's a pretty mellow kid. He's eating a few new foods lately including mango, yogurt and cottage cheese. He's mastering the sippy cup. He's just about to sit independently, but doesn't seem too anxious to crawl. He's been in daycare at the Mansoors for several weeks now, and they're really great with him. There are no other kids in their home right now though, so we're hoping that changes soon. He's still with my mom two days a week, too. We're starting ECFE tomorrow, so that will get him some time with other little kids once a week.
We've been going to physical therapy for his torticollis (the muscle on one side of his neck is tighter/shorter than the other). As a result of the torticollis, one side of the back of his head is a bit flat and one side bulges, and it's also created a little bit of asymmetry in his face. The specialist said it could get better with time now that he's spending less time on his back, but if we are going to address it, we need to do it now because treatment isn't effective after 12 months and the course is usually 3 months. So, we're getting the helmet.
Here's a picture from the scan that they use to make it.

We're headed to Peoria for Easter. Kai hasn't seen grandma and grandpa since November, so we're looking forward to that. AND, we're going to Florida to see Al & Cindy and Alli and Paul in May! I'm looking forward to digging his little toes into the sand.