Here is our ultrasound from about 9.5 weeks.
I'm 13 weeks and then some according to the measurments at my last ultrasound. As of last Wednesday we had a fetus that measured 3 inches from crown to rump. It's probably a bit more like 3.5 at this point. The body is catching up with the head (as much as my offspring should expect) in coming weeks, so it will look more like a miniture baby instead of an alien before too long. Jon will have to post something about his reaction to seeing the baby stretch out and wiggle around for the first time, I can't even begin to describe his expression at the time.
It is apparently part of protocol to test for Down Syndrome during the first trimester, so I didn't realize what was happening until I was already being told that the indicators weren't there. The baby has it's nasal bone which is absent in about 60% of D.S. cases, and there was another measurement that was assuring as well. To be sure, they took a blood test and today I found out that we don't have any of the indicators for D.S.
I have a bump. Well, it kind of. My abdomen in firm and I can't suck it in. I still haven't gained any weight, which is fine by me. My appetite is much improved over the last week or two, but I occasionally get hit by nausea. And headaches.
I have a doctor appointment next week and I should be getting another ultrasound to check out the gender around 18-20 weeks.
Patty is in the hospital right now in LABOR!
So cute! I love its little foot! How is it situated right now? Laying sideways, or too small to be constrained to one position? Just floating free in a safe, warm sea? The lucky duck.
ReplyDeleteLet's hear some names! I think Hope is timely.
It is actually 3 times the size that it is in that picture! It was situated perpendicular to my spine (you can see a bumb in the sac from my spine, making the sac kidney shaped) at the last ultrasound. It was able to roll over during our ultrasound last time, which was cool.
ReplyDeleteI'll post the 12.5 week us picture later today.
Names? No idea.