We've already got two birthing classes down and we're not even 25 weeks. We've got a start on our cloth diaper stash. Jon in putting the baseboards up in the offnursicery which leaves only to paint the doors before we assemble the dresser
(http://justinsomnia.org/images/ikea-hemnes-dresser.jpg) I bought from Ikea last weekend. We're shopping Craigslist for a crib, but in no hurry. We've picked up some second hand clothing and other baby miscellany from Goodwill and friends and family, and we'll probably register this weekend at Target. It suddenly seems like it is picking up momentum. My mom and I are going to Babies R Us today after we have lunch, probably to look at strollers/carseats. That place is so over-the-top it raises my bloodpressure a little bit, but maybe I'll finally by a pregnancy pillow; last night was not a good night.
I found out yesterday that my short term disability is only going to be 6 weeks if I have a normal vaginal birth. I'll probably take two more weeks of vacation/unpaid time, but it isn't the 12 weeks I had anticipated. I'm still lucky for what I get.
We had our first midwife appointment on Wednesday. It was pretty low key. They want to see me every two weeks because of the history of bleeding (I had an incident last week) but as long as my doctor thought it was okay for me to switch over, they are glad to have me. My uterus measures 25 1/2 cm externally at 24 weeks, which puts me on the high end of the 1-2 cm within gestation that it is supposed to be. I've gained 12 pounds, which freaks me out, but doesn't concern the nurses. 10 by 20, 20 by 30 they said. I'm just really concerned with staying around 25. I don't need to deal with the extra emotional trauma of tremendous weight gain with everything else!
That's it for now. I'll post some offnursicery pictures this weekend, Jon is doing a great job!
What kind of diapers are you using? We used cloth (and LOVED it) with Rosemary, so if you have any questions, let me know.
ReplyDeleteI also remembered being scared of Babies R Us. I remember going in there to buy presents for other people before having a kid was on my radar, and the place freaked me out. But I have to tell you ... it ended up being a really handy place for me. You might be surprised!
Have fun.
I saw a grown woman physically throw a tantrum once. It was outside the locked doors of a Babies R Us.
ReplyDeleteYes, pictures! I think you should share photos of the offnursicery, including the valance fabric, and of the hat you made!
We're using prefolds and wraps. I'm sure I'll have questions once we get going. We're hopint to get a new washer that does scream and walk across the floor while it washes, which should make the whole thing a little bit easier. Where did you buy your diapers, Kate?