Aaaaaaaand, we're new at this. Next time we travel we'll take pictures of something other than Kai. Until then, enjoy this picture of Cindy and Kai specifically designed to make Aunt Gayle jealous. But then, we also were in charge of her husband and son for the weekend, so who really was jealous is up for debate.

We got to meet LINCOLN! Alli and Paul had us over for dinner in their home in Fort Myers at the end of our trip. We threw some food together and rushed through a quick evening baby-style. He's adorable and they are fantabulous parents. Now, if I could only finagle a master bath for myself and assign Jon the "other bathroom," my life might be so sweet! Thanks, Al!
For future reference, I'm drawing up a formal sign up sheet for grown-up time. The mid-afternoon swap for free time was awesome. I posted to Facebook from the tiki bar and Jon drank Miller Lite (I know...) in the cabana we rented on the beach, while the other hung with Kai.

Oh, and apparently my child is a saint; no one around us on either flight had any trouble with him. I'm pretty sure the boob gets some credit on this one!
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